Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Parenting through the School Years . . . and Beyond!

We don't usually run ads, but this author is a good one with lots of good suggestions for parents. It's worth taking a look at.

Looking for a parenting book that addresses concerns that surface during the school years, from dealing with homework issues and organizing your family for household chores to creating a home environment supportive of your child’s emotional and developmental needs? Parenting through the School Years . . . and Beyond! is the book you need. As Jane Nelsen, author of the Positive Discipline series, notes in her Introduction, “this book is about providing a nurturing environment that is essential for children's success and happiness in school, as well as in all phases of life. It provides the edu¬cation parents need to help their children develop to their maximum potential.”

Available directly from the author ($15.95, with free shipping) and will be available via and other online sources shortly. Contact Mike at or 214-364-4154.